Composition, structure and diversity of dwarf shrublands of Empetrum rubrum in the continental and insular Magellanic steppe of Chile
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floristic diversity
soil chemistry
Tierra del Fuego
murtillares or dwarf shrubs

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Domínguez, E. (2023). Composition, structure and diversity of dwarf shrublands of Empetrum rubrum in the continental and insular Magellanic steppe of Chile. Anales Del Instituto De La Patagonia, 51.


The dwarf shrublands of Empetrum rubrum in the Magellanic steppe are unique habitats due to their growth in acidic and nutrient-poor soils. The objective of this study was to describe the vegetation and environmental variables that characterize this type of environment. Significant differences were found between continental dwarf shrubs and those located northeast of Tierra del Fuego Island in terms of species richness and diversity. Despite apparent erosion, the proportion of native species was higher than that of introduced species. The dominant growth habit in terms of coverage were the dwarf dwarf shrublands of E. rubrum on the continent and those of Baccharis magellanica on Tierra del Fuego Island. Seven lichens were also found in the dwarf shrubs. The dominant life form were hemicryptophytes or perennial herbs, indicating that these shrublands are not under severe anthropogenic pressure, but do have high levels of erosion, which are likely the result of past overgrazing. The physical and chemical soil properties analyzed, which showed significant differences between the dwarf shrubs, were N-NO3, Mg, K, Na, CICE, and silt. On the other hand, Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) revealed an important soil gradient, where pH and organic matter, along with the content of macronutrients (N, P, K), determine differences between the dwarf shrubs. Finally, it is recommended to pay more attention to the management and conservation of these shrublands, considering that they may be affected by anthropogenic management such as grazing, mining interventions, and water deficit, as has occurred in the northern hemisphere where they have left the soil bare
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