Sphagnum peatland are wetlands of high environmental value and are frequent in Patagonia. In particular in the Aysén region, studies on its biodiversity are still insufficient and partial. In this work, the composition and floristic abundance present in Sphagnum peatland and the environmental factors that determine this variability in the last continental Sphagnum bogs are described and compared, without human intervention, located in the Mayer river basin in the region of Aysén. 40 plots of 1 m2 were established in order to determine differences in the composition and coverage of species. A total of 33 native taxa were identified, distributed in 21 families and 27 genera. The floristic structure present in the Sphagnum peatland studied is similar, not finding significant differences between them. The environmental factor that determines the variability between the composition and structure in the studied Sphagnum peatland, to be related to the water table according to the PCA. The environmental factor that determines the variability between composition and structure in the studied peatlands corresponds to the water table. Perhaps this low species richness is due to the fact that there is an inverse relationship between species richness and hydrology, this being the main gradient that determines its composition and structure, and to the scarce anthropic intervention.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2021 Erwin Domínguez , María Paz Martínez, Dagoberto Villaroel, José Manuel Henríquez