Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia

Current Issue

Vol. 52 (2024)
Published January 31, 2024

Scope of the journal

AIP is a scientific journal that publishes the results of multidisciplinary research on marine and terrestrial biosciences, with particular emphasis on ecology, zoology, botany, and their respective applied subdisciplines. It addresses these issues in a specific discipline or transdisciplinary manner.

AIP is an open-access electronic journal, free of printout prices and with continuous flow, which publishes papers in Spanish and English. The types of papers published by AIP are research articles, theme reviews, and scientific notes, all of which are subject to the peer review process.



To report and disseminate through publications to the scientific community and the general public about new scientific findings and innovative summaries of knowledge in marine and terrestrial biosciences. Thus, we contribute to the education, dissemination, and outreach of the natural sciences.

Bibliographic Review

Lautaro Oyarzún, Anelio Aguayo-Lobo
Some concerns on the scientific name of the South American Sea Lion (Carnivora: Otariidae): A review
Erwin Domínguez, Orlando Dollenz, Juan Carlos Aravena, Rodrigo Villa-Martínez, Juan Marcos Henríquez, Carolina Galleguillos, Kary Haro
Catalogue of the Vascular Flora of Bernardo O'Higgins National Park, Magellan Region, Chile

Special Section Cape Horn

Omar Barroso Putare, Carola Cañon, Fernando Novoa, María Josefina Jorquera, Sofía Luarte Tranamil, Rocío F. Jara, Rodrigo A. Vásquez, Ricardo Rozzi
Natural history of the Fuegian snipe (Gallinago stricklandii (Gray 1845): a resident bird at Cape Horn?
Juan Pablo Rodríguez Provoste, Violeta Gibelli, Francisco Bahamonde, Johanna Marambio, Martha Calderón, Danilo Bustamante, Ricardo Rozzi, Andres Mansilla
First catalogue of benthic marine macroalgae from glacier-influenced environments of the Beagle Channel, deposited in the new Sub-Antarctic Cryptogamic Herbarium (SCH) of the University of Magallanes.
Carola Cañón, Omar Barroso, Guillermo D'Elia, Rodrigo Vásquez, Ricardo Rozzi
Native rodents of the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve at the southern end of Chile: advances in their knowledge and conservation
Guillermo D'Elia
Chile’s biological collections must be enhanced
Fernando Novoa Galaz, Rocío F. Jara, Omar Barroso, Tomás A. Altamirano, José Tomás Ibarra, Juan Rivero de Aguilar, Rodrigo A. Vásquez, Ricardo Rozzi
Morphological description of the White-throated treerunner (Pygarrhichas albogularis, King 1831) in the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve, Chile
Javier Rendoll-Cárcamo, Melisa Gañán, Peter Convey, Tamara Contador
Length-mass relationships for aquatic insects of Navarino Island, extreme southern Chile
Javier Rendoll-Cárcamo, Melisa Gañán, Brenda Riquelme del Río, Peter Convey, Tamara Contador
Morphometric variation in subantarctic populations of Liodessus chilensis (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae)
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