Guidelines for Authors

Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia (AIP)


1.-Scientific Research Articles

Research articles related to essentially empirical unpublished studies either by means of field or laboratory studies or other means. In addition, it includes a description of the methodologies used for the research. The results of the research may have an impact on a local or global scale and should include their discussion. The text can have a maximum length of 10,000 words (excluding references). The literature quoted should not exceed 60 references and may have numerous figures and tables.


Review articles

Review articles are defined as a summary of a particular research issue, which has developed quickly in the last years, has shown significant progress, and is of broad interest to the scientific community. This review should present an in-depth analysis of the theoretical body considering critiquing essential concepts, issues, and problems that define the field of marine and terrestrial biosciences research. In this context, taxonomic and systematic reviews of organisms are also considered. The text may have a length from a minimum of 15,000 words to a maximum of 30,000 words without considering references and may include several figures and tables.

Short notes

They approach either on detail and notable findings or distinguished results of research in progress. They should offer a concise and clear text of the subject, which allows readers to be informed on scientific news. These should include unpublished material. In the case of contributions that increase the rank or new register of species, these have to be gathered, which have to be deposited in herbariums if they are plants or collection hall if they are animals. In the case of Chile, the current legislation must be followed. The text can have a maximum length of 1,000 words and can contain only one figure or table.

Other documents published by AIP, such as letters to the editor, book comments, Infographics, and obituaries can only be published by invitation of the Editor-in-Chief or Co-Editors.


The reception and publication of manuscripts are all year round. The accepted contributions will be available in PDF format on-line with their corresponding DOI. Whatever the type of documents, they must be submitted through the official platform of the journal ( ).

3. Research articles, review articles, and short notes should include the following sections.

Section 1. Title page, these opening pages should include the following information:

Title: it must be succinct and coherent with the content of the paper. It is suggested that it does not exceed 12 words. It should be written in Spanish and English (for Spanish versions) or vice versa for English versions and capital letters. The next higher taxon should be indicated in parentheses if a generic or specific scientific name is included

Authorship: the first and last name of the author must be indicated. Each author should indicate his/her ORCID number, affiliation (three levels in addition to the city and country). In the case of documents with multiple authorship, the author who acts as the corresponding author should be indicated along with his email.

Contribution of each author: each author should summarize his/her contribution to the development of the submitted document. We suggest to use one of the 14 roles described in (

Competitive interest: authors must declare financial or non-financial contributions directly or indirectly related to the submitted paper for publication.

Funding statement: Indicate the source of funding with which the research was carried out.  There may be more than one source or it can be done by author if necessary.

 Optional: suggestions of possible reviewers. these suggestions must be in accordance with the AIP Ethical Policy and Good Practices (see the AIP website).

Conflict of interest, name authors who may have conflict of interest for review.

Abstract: provide two abstracts, one in Spanish and one in English. Each one should have between 150 and 250 words. It should not contain acronyms or references. At the end they must have five key words that must not be repeated in the document's title and must be related to the content of the text.


  1. Section 2. Body of the document, must be written in “Times New Roman” font size 12, in a letter format page layout, 1,5 line spacing, and 3 cm margins. Automatic page numbers and line numbers should be added continuously for review purposes.

Depending on the type of contribution, it should have the following structure:

Research Articles should be organized with the following headings: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions (optional), Acknowledgments, and Literature Cited.

For review articles, the document's body must be organized as follows: Introduction, Defined Subtitle, Final Synthesis, Acknowledgements, and Literature Cited.


Short notes should be a continuous text, Acknowledgements, and Literature Cited.

  1. Scientific names, Latin locutions (i.e., e.g., fide, sensu), and foreign locutions in general, names of the periodicals publications, and book titles will be italicized (not bold) in the text and in the Literature Cited.
  2. The first time a species is mentioned, its complete scientific name should be added, including the author and year. The nomenclature of botanical and zoological works shall be regulated according to their respective International Code of Nomenclature.
  3. Abbreviations for measurements should be expressed in The International System of Units (SI) adopted by the General Conference on Weights and Measures (GCWM), if it is necessary to add measurements in other systems, the corresponding abbreviations and conversions should be defined in the text. The decimal unit separator should be a comma (,) for papers in Spanish and a period (.) for contributions in English. In the case of maps, the sexagesimal system (degrees, minutes, seconds) should be used and not the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) system
  4. References to figures and tables in the text should be specified in parentheses, e.g., “High abundances were found (Fig. 1)”; “diversity showed significant differences (table 1)”.
  5. Both figures and tables should be numbered, respectively, in correlative order with Arabic numbers. They should be presented at the end of the text.
  6. All tables must have a heading explaining the contents of the table. Tables should not contain vertical diving lines and should be presented in Word not in image format.
  7. All figures must have captions and start with the abbreviation (Fig.), which must be located below the figures and must explain their content. The quality must be equal to or higher than 300 DPI and in standard format (JPG, TIFF, PNG). Screen copies are not acceptable. The background of the graphics must not contain line spacing. The name of the abscissa and ordinate axes must be indicated.
  8. Color photographs, images, and maps shall be considered as figures for the numbering process.
  9. In the case of panels with multiple images or graphics, each image or graphic must be identified using a bold lowercase letter in the upper right corner. These must be indicated in the caption of the figure and the text (e.g., Fig. 1a).
  10. Citations in the text should include the author's surname and the year with a comma in between (e.g. Pisano, 1996). If there are several papers by the same author in the same year, they should be cited with a letter in sequence attached to the year (e.g. 1996a); when there are two authors, both surnames should be cited separated by an ampersand (&); when there are more than two authors, the first one should be cited followed by et al. and the year without comma in between (e.g. Arntz et al. 2012). Do not include bibliographic references such as abstracts of conference presentations or grey literature.
  11. In the “Literature Cited” section, editorial guidelines should be followed. Only references cited in the text should be included, arranged alphabetically by the first author's surname. For more details use the following format for bibliographic citations:

For Scientific Article:

Single author

Pisano Valdés, E. (1997). Los bosques de Patagonia Austral y Tierra del Fuego chilenas.  Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia, 25: 9-19.

Two authors

De los Ríos, P., & Soto, D. (2009). Estudios limnológicos en lagos y lagunas del Parque Nacional Torres del Paine (51 S, Chile). Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia, 37(1): 63-71.

More than two authors

Niculcar, R., Latorre, K., & Vidal, O. J. (2015). Conservation ex situ de plantas en el banco de germoplasma SAG-Magallanes: una herramienta para la restauración rcológica. Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia, 43(1): 109-113.

In case you have more than seven authors, use ellipses and the last author.

Rozzi, R., Crego, R. D., Contador, T., Schüttler, E., Rosenfeld, S., Mackenzie, R., ... & Massardo, F. (2020). Un centinela para el monitoreo del cambio climático y su impacto sobre la biodiversidad en la cumbre austral de América: La nueva red de estudios a largo Plazo Cabo de Hornos. Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia, 48 (3): 45-81.

For books (Add DOI or URL at the end if it has them)

Osorio, C. (2002). Moluscos de importancia comercial (1ª ed.). Santiago, Chile: Editorial Salesianos.

For book chapter (Add DOI or URL at the end if it has them)

Kitzberger, T., & Veblen, T. (2003). Influences of climate on fire in northern Patagonia, Argentina. In T. Veblen, W. Baker, G. Montenegro & T. Swetnam (Eds.), Fire regimes and climatic change in temperate ecosystems of the Western Americas (pp. 290-315). Berlin: Springer-Verlag.

For expedition reports (Only if available online)

Thiele, J. (1912) Die antarktischen Schnecken und Muscheln. In E. von Drygalski (ed.) Deutsche Südpolar-Expedition 1901-1903, 13 (pp. 183-286, abb. 11-19). Berlin: Druck und Verlag Georg Reimer.

Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero (2011) Legislación La ley de Caza y su Reglamento (12ª ed.) Santiago, Chile: Subdepartamento de Vida Silvestre DIPROREN, SAG.

For thesis (Only if available online)

Marciano, A. (2022). Esfuerzo reproductivo en el límite de la distribución geográfica: el cangrejo violinista Leptuca uruguayensis como modelo. Tesis Doctoral. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales.

For academic internet source

Platnick, N.I. (2013). The world spider catalog. Version 13.5. American Museum of Natural History. . Accessed 28 August 2013.