Breeding colonies of black-browed albatrosses (Thalassarche melanophris) are recognized by their large size and existence on oceanic islands. However, in 2003 the existence of the only numerically small reproductive colony in inland waters within Chilean Patagonia was described for the first time in the Albatross Islet (54°27’20’’S; 69°01’12’’W). Starting in 2009, we began a systematic study of this colony, visiting the area during the reproductive season to monitor and evaluate its population. Eleven expeditions were carried out between the months of October and February, amid the years 2009 and 2016, counting the presence of eggs and chicks to determi-ne the reproductive success of the colony. Additionally, a total of 188 individuals were banded over 7 seasons to determine their recapture rate during these years. With these monitoring, it is expected to contribute new information to the general knowledge about the small colony of black-browed albatrosses, the only one in the world located in inland waters in the Magallanes Region and the Chilean Antarctic
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Copyright (c) 2021 Daniela Droguett, Alejandro Vila, Alejandro Kusch, Ricardo Matus, Benjamín Cáceres, Javier Arata