There are two native mustelids among the species of semiaquatic mammals present in Chile are two native mustelids, the chungungo (Lontra felina) and the river otter (Lontra provocax). Also, two exotic and invasive semiaquatic mammals have been introduced into the country, the American mink (Neovison vison) and the American beaver (Castor canadensis). These latter species are widely recognized for the negative effects they have on ecosystems and native species.
All these species include in their southernmost distribution the Tierra del Fuego archipelago, in the region of Magallanes, however there are few systematically documented records of their presence in inland waterways. This study describes the presence of American mink by camera traps monitoring on Albatros Islet, in Almirantazgo Sound during six summer seasons, from 2016 - 2017 to 2021 - 2022, with sampling efforts (EM) that varied between 499 during the 2018-2019 season and 3,658 during 2020-2021. This study informs the first record of beaver and river otter presence for Albatros Islet, also confirming the reproduction of the latter species in this one. From the records obtained, relative abundance indices (RAI) were calculated for each species: American mink (range=0-8), river otter (range=0.08 - 5) and American beaver (range=0-0.144).
These findings are highly relevant in the context of the conservation targets of the Multiple Use Marine Protected Area Seno Almirantazgo (MU-MPA SA), as they are a key input for informed decision making and effective management of the protected area. They also highlight the importance of implementing and sustaining systematic monitoring efforts of both the conservation targets of the area and the threats they face
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Copyright (c) 2022 Catherine Dougnac, Cristobal Arredondo, Javiera Constanzo, Alejandro Kusch, Alejandro Vila