Austrochlamys natans is a mollusk of commercial importance, which since 1970 has been part of the artisanal fishing landings in Magallanes. As a result of the intense exploitation carried out in the 1990s, the fishing authority established a permanent ban from the year 2001, and until now there has been no recent information on its status. During 2021, a population assessment was carried out in Parry Bay, a historic extraction area located in the Multiple-Use Marine Coastal Protected Area (AMCP-MU) in Almirantazgo Sound, where this species is a conservation object. Two direct evaluation campaigns were carried out, making estimates of density, abundance, biomass, population structure and determination of population status using a length-based pseudo-cohort analysis model. Three natural banks were identified, with a surface area of 150,646 m2 and densities ranging between 102 and 209 individuals/m2. More than 99% of the banks were made up of adult specimens of reproductive age. The average size and density increased from 72.8 to 75.5 cm high valve and from 49 to 150 individuals/m2 between 2009 and 2021 respectively, justified by a drop in fishing pressure and the combined effect of the ban and creation of the AMCP-MU. The condition of the stock is a slightly overexploited population (37% virgin biomass), it is recommended to maintain the current levels of fishing effort to sustain sustainable exploitation. The creation of a preservation area is proposed, to carry out research on settlement and connectivity between banks.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Erik Daza, Eduardo Almonacid, Cristian Vargas, Carlos Montenegro, Cristian Canales, Pablo Gallardo