The Reloncaví Sound (41°S) is located in the northern Patagonia of Chile and is characterized by a significant local marine productivity. In the place where this sound connects with the fjord of the same name is the Caicura Islands (41°42’S; 72°41’W). During three consecutive breeding seasons (2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16) we studied the biodiversity of birds and marine mammals present on these islands, mainly on Pirén Islet. The taxonomic composition of the total number of birds observed was structured into five orders and 10 families, represented by 20 species. The most abundant birds were Larus dominicanus, Phalacrocorax atriceps, Phalacrocorax magellanicus, and Phalacrocorax gaimardi. We recorded the nesting of nine species of seabirds, of which L. dominicanus and P. atriceps presented the most abundant reproductive populations, followed by P. magellanicus and P. gaimardi. On the other hand, the taxonomic composition of marine mammals was structured in two orders and three families, represented by three species. The mammal with the greatest abundance was Otaria flavescens, which presented resting and breeding sites in the place. The Caicura Islands make up the most important site for the conservation of the diversity of birds and marine mammals of the Reloncaví Sound, which mostly corresponds to endemic species and with conservation problem
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Copyright (c) 2022 Jaime Cursach Valenzuela, Jonnathan Vilugrón, Jaime Rau, Claudio Tobar, Carlos Oyarzún