Assessing the accuracy of ocean tide models by using variance of residuals of satellite sea level heights in the Patagonian shelf
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global tide models
Patagonian shelf tide
satellite heights
tide predictions
residuals of sea level heights
minor constituents

How to Cite

de Azkue, M. F., D’Onofrio, E. E., & Jacobs, A. (2022). Assessing the accuracy of ocean tide models by using variance of residuals of satellite sea level heights in the Patagonian shelf. Anales Del Instituto De La Patagonia, 50.


This work proposes to compare the astronomical tidal predictions obtained by using the totality of the constituents provided by seven global tide models and by the Center for Topographic studies of the Ocean and Hydrosphere (CTOH). To quantify this comparison, the variance of residuals of satellite sea level heights are computed from 1992 to 2019, for each model and CTOH. As a case study, we focus on the Patagonian shelf. It is found that the most accurate tidal predictions are obtained when using FES2014 model and CTOH harmonic constants. It is also observed that the decrease in variance values is due to the addition of certain minor constituents. As an example, in the case of CTOH, a location yields a reduction of more than 57% in the variance values when 9 minor constituents are added to the nine common ones. Likewise, in the case of FES2014, variance reduction over this same location is more than 56% by incorporating 14 minor constituents. Finally, a comparison of the amplitudes and phases values of the common constituents among models and the CTOH shows that these values are practically the same. However, when comparing predictions, very dissimilar results are obtained among models.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Maria Florencia de Azkue, Enrique Eduardo D'Onofrio, Alan Jacobs


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