Soil macronutrient deficiencies are one of the agronomic problems present in the Region of Magallanes and the Chilean Antarctic either because the soils only contain very low concentrations of an element or it is not present in plant-available forms. These circumstances impede or slow growth and development of the crops produced in the region. Considering these challenges, it is important that farmers are able to visually detect signs of nutrient deficiencies early in the growing season.
This study evaluated the deficiency of macronutrients (N-P-K) in five species using the missing element technique. Plant species included Medicago sativa L. (Leguminosae), Dactylis glomerata L. (Poaceae), Trifolium repens L. (Fabaceae), Cucumis sativus L. (Curcubitaceae) and Rheum rhabarbarum L. (Polygonacea). Small containers were used to prepare nutrient solutions in which one of the three nutrients evaluated was omitted while maintaining adequate levels of the others. A treatment with a complete nutrient solution was also included. Plant roots were submerged in these mineral solutions.
Seeds were first planted into plastic trays and allowed to germinate. After 21 days, seedlings were transplanted into nutrition jars. Plants were grown under these conditions for 41 days. At the end of the growth stage, root and shoot length and radical and aerial dry matter weight were measured.
Vegetative development was most reduced in the nitrogen deficient treatment followed by phosphorus and then potassium, with the exception of R. rhabarbarum and T. repens. In these two species, plant height and dry matter weight in the phosphorus deficient treatment were equal to or greater than the potassium deficient treatment. Plant height for all species was most reduced by nitrogen deficiency. C. sativus in the nitrogen deficient treatment was the only species that presented greater dry matter root production compared to the phosphorus deficient treatment. After 20 days, there was an increase in shoot development in all species with the full nutrient solution except for R. rhabarbarum, in which growth was linear.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2020 Carlo Gorziglia, Yulio Yagello, Sergio Radic