Using traditional systematic, phytosociological and multivariate statistical methods, the flora and vegetation of three coastal wetlands of the inland sea were compared: Huildad and Putemum on the big island of Chiloé and Quillaipe in the Gulf of Reloncaví, in Los Lagos Region, Southern Chile. The total flora was composed by 91 plant species, of which 75 of which were native and 16 introduced. From the total also 62 correspond to Dicots, 20 Monocots and 9 Pteridophytes. Woody plants and perennial herbs dominated the biological spectrum. Fifty-six species were terrestrial, 26 marshy, 5 epiphytic, 2 psamophytes and 3 aquatic plants. Seventy species are from non-saline environments, 16 are halophytes and 5 are indifferent. Ferns were found only in Chiloé, with a greater extension of forest vegetation. Native species decrease from South to North and introduced species from North to South, in the same way of woody plants and perennial herbs. Only in Quillaipe helophytes and marsh camephytes were abundant. There was a negative correlation between the number of inhabitants of the nearest city and the number of plant species. The floristic similarity between wetlands was very low. Five plant formations were distinguished: forests, scrubs, prairie, freshwater streams and marshes. In the three wetlands, a total of 16 plant associations were identified, with only 2 common to them, so there was also a low vegetation similarity. Eleven associations were primary, 4 secondary and 1 tertiary (Ulex europaeus scrub). In general, the wetlands studied are less diverse in flora and vegetation than those in the open sea and further north, in Chile.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Carlos Ramírez, Yessica, Alvaro Montaña, Cristina San Martín, Osvaldo vidal, Jorge Valenzuela, José Miguel Fariña, Miguel Alvarez