The installation of underground pipelines is a necessary infrastructure for connecting the energy grid in most countries. However, the long-term changes in vegetation composition and temporal structure, as well as the effects on biodiversity in arid ecosystems in the Magellanic steppe, are not well understood in detail. To mitigate this, it is proposed to evaluate the recovery of vegetation cover in native grasslands (coironales) that are part of these arid and semi-arid ecosystems. The objective of the study is to identify the effects of the installation of a hydrocarbon pipeline on the composition and structure of vegetation, and to evaluate the similarity or differences of the vegetation established in a pipeline versus the reference vegetation. The Block Coiron area in the San Gregorio summits, Magallanes region, Chile, was studied. Twenty-eight taxa were identified in the pipeline and 39 in the reference vegetation. Biodiversity was higher in the reference vegetation compared to the pipeline, where a decrease was observed in terms of the number of species and coverage. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and SIMPER analysis identified the species that most significantly contributed to similarity within each group. The results showed that at least 7 years are needed to recover areas affected by the installation of a hydrocarbon pipeline and that grazing pressure and climatic events such as water deficit may be interfering with vegetation recovery.
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