In Sarmiento (Chubut province, Argentina) populations of species of corixids were studied. The different aquatics habitat types (100 water bodies totals) were categorized, according to morphometric characteristics and permanence of water in: temporary and semi-permanent bodies of water, irrigation and drainage canals. The following variables were recorded in each aquatic habitat: surface area of water, maxim depth, percentage of vegetation, sunshine degree, turbidity, pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, salinity, and water temperature. Besides, the habitat type and the location (“urbanized areas” and “non urbanized areas”) were considered as categoric variables. Four species of Corixidae were found: Ectemnostega (Ectemnostega) quadrata, Sigara (Tropocorixa) rubyae, S. (T.) santiagiensis, and S. (T.) vuriloche. Sigara santiagiensis and E. quadrata were recorded from Chubut province but not from Sarmiento city, being these the first records of the species. Only S. rubyae and
- vuriloche were recorded before from Sarmiento city. Sigara santiagiensis was the most frequent and dominant species in abundance. S. santiagiensis was negatively associated with semipermanent habitats and non-urbanized areas, and, it was also associated with higher sunshine degree, and higher values of dissolved oxygen. S. rubyae was associated with high insolation, a greater amount of dissolved oxygen in the water, pH., conductivity, salinity and turbidity of water. For the different species of corixids found in this study, the records of the characteristics of the environment and physical-chemical variables of the water constitute contributions that can be antecedents to face what has been proposed for this taxonomic group, that is, to be indicators of changes in aquatic habitats.
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